AEPN/EFN has local correspondents in various areas throughout the world.
To ask for becoming a local correspondent : fill the required zones below (at the bottom of this page) and click on the “Submit” button.
The local correspondents’ role is to contribute in spreading the information and developping the activities of AEPN/EFN around them, in their local area, their city, their region, their country, their company … for example by speaking about AEPN/EFN to their friends or colleagues, by forming a local group, by writing to journalists, by photocopying and distributing information about AEPN/EFN and about clean nuclear energy, by signing and circulating the petition, by establishing local contacts, by writing documents, by inserting information or articles in local newspaper…
All work is on a volunteer basis, and no specific task is demanded.
Each local correspondent contributes in his own way, in good harmony with AEPN/EFN’s goals and objectives, in his local area, to inform the public about clean energy and about AEPN/EFN.
Local correspondents of AEPN/EFN cooperate for organizing press information campaigns, preparing local actions, and translating some of the AEPN/EFN documents in their language. In these cases, please contact us using the contact form, for better coordination and preliminary authorization.
You can ask to be a national correspondent (in your country), or a regional correspondent (in your region) or a local correspondent (in your local area).
AEPN/EFN is glad to welcome all well-intended persons who wish to contribute.
It may happen that there are several local correspondents working in the same area or country.
In this case, they can unite to form a local group and coordinate their efforts. It is also possible to create an independent non-profit AEPN/EFN branch in your country. In this case, contact us for authorization from EFN-INTERNATIONAL and more details about how to procede.
All suggestions are welcome.
Becoming a local correspondent of AEPN/EFN does not imply any obligation of participating in meetings (unless you want to), and consists in willing to contribute to the local development of AEPN/EFN.